Sunday, April 18, 2010

“Lock-Ins” & Stuff

Well, here we are, half-way thru April and it’s nearly the end of the school year! It’s kind of hard to believe we are this far in!

After we went to Wanake, we had SO MUCH going on! March was a HUGE blur for ME, so I’m sure it was for the kids, too :)

Starting off our crazy schedule, Beginning in March and taking us thru to the present, the kids helped unload the basement and the attic for the Rummage Sale. (They worked hard and it was appreciated!) We made Easter Baskets for Laura’s Home, which is an extremely worthwhile project. We made soup one night for Meager Meal, and served it the next night AT the Meager Meal on Maundy Thursday, before Worship. The kids had a rehearsal the day before Easter for our Sunrise Service, and on Easter, along with Youth from Rocky River Presbyterian, Our UMYF kids did a beautiful 7AM Sunrise Service to an congregation of a little more than SEVENTY people! What a wonderful turn-out for a Sunrise Service! They did a wonderful job, too. Somewhere in the middle of all of this we squeezed in our monthly game night as well!

And of course Our Confirmands were Confirmed on April 11th – We are very proud of you guys!

This past weekend was our Lock-In. Scott and I, with the help of my Best friend, Becky Wilcox, were at the Church from 6:30 Friday night thru Saturday Morning at 11. We had a couple ice-breaker games, a Taco Bar, and our Two-Part Discussion about Social Action and God’s Love for us and others. I made them work, too! During our break, in-between our discussion, in order to get desert, they took place in a Bible Scavenger Hunt where the clues eventually led them to their desert. We had a small Worship in the morning together before they ate their breakfast and went home.

I know how much fun I had, and I am hoping that they did too!

I look forward to our next Lock-In! Next up the kids are going to build and decorate the sets and things for Vacation Bible School. We’ll be meeting in Wesley Hall on Saturday, April 24th at 1PM (How was that for shamelessly advertising both Vacation Bible School AND when we will be meeting so everyone will remember to come!)

We still have a lot of wonderful events planned for the rest of the year so stay tuned and check your Rockporters!

Kira Cimino Holchin

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