My name is Kira Cimino Holchin, and I have been at Rockport UMC since I was six years old. (All I will add to that is that it was the late ‘70’s lol.)
My very first Sunday school teacher was Mrs. Lamb and it was because of her that I loved coming back every week for Sunday School! I LOVED my class and I LOVED Mrs. Lamb and it was the best! Rev. McFadden was our Pastor, and Rev. Amy Shaw…who really threw herself into the Youth, from the little kids on up. We always had a wonderful time at camp!
I had a lot of great Sunday School teachers in between 1st grade and high school, ending with last, but NEVER least, Mickey Griggs. My experiences in Sunday School, Church, and UMYF were ones that not only shaped my life, but made it wonderful growing up here at Rockport. I wouldn’t trade these experiences for anything…They are why I wanted to teach Vacation Bible School, Regular Sunday School, and now UMYF.
Our UMYF Jr. & High School was a great group of kids. We were like a big family. It didn’t matter who you hung out with at school or outside of Church, we all came together to serve others or to have FUN like a big family. These are the people I still keep in touch with the most.
My husband Scott “married into” Rockport, but has come to really think of it as his own now, and together we are excited about working with the UMYF, a group that I have always felt SO strongly about.
On January 3rd, Scott and I invited all of the Youth to a New Year’s Party. We wanted to get to know everyone and also talk about what our UMYF group would like to do the rest of the year!
We had a nice party, and we enjoyed meeting everyone, or getting to know people better that we already knew a little bit, and I think that the group came up with some REALLY good plans! I know I cannot wait to get going!
We have started a UMYF website to aid us in giving our updates, sending out reminder emails, gathering information on all kinds of things, and to keep a calendar up for Youth & Parents to view…we can even post pictures from our events on here. It is ONLY by email invitation – so if you are part of the UYMF group or a parent, please email me at CiminoDesign@aol.com and I can send you out an invitation.
I am hoping that we get some kids to help write this blog in the future because I would love some stuff from their perspective – so if you are interested in helping out all the time or only once-in-awhile, please email me for that as well!
Also, be sure to check out the UMYF bulletin board next to Rev. Myers office- we will post events and info there!
We have several events coming up, from Superbowl Subs & putting together Easter Baskets for Laura’s House, to our once-a-month Pizza & Game Night, so be sure to check out our website or the Board regularly!
Kira & Scott Holchin
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