Thursday, July 8, 2010

Somehow, it is July already!!!! I am not so sure how this happened, but time DOES seem to be FLYING by at the speed of light the past few months…
Vacation Bible School was so much fun for me this year, and I am already thinking of ideas for next year! We had A LOT of UMYF volunteers this year, and I cannot tell you what an incredible job they did!
In May we had our last Game Night until the Fall. Congratulations to all of our Graduates! It feels like Scott and I just got to know you guys and you are Graduated and moving up the ladder! Our plan is to have some fun programs for college age youth – we will miss you WAY too much to let you go off without coming back once-in-awhile to join us!
July and August are actually beginning to get booked up! We will be having a car wash & hot dog lunch stand on July 17th, so it is our hope that everyone can join in on this activity if you are in town! There are a couple of Group Dinner & Discussion gatherings in the next couple weeks. July 8th for the High School and August 3rd for the Middle School (7th-8th) Youth. We are ALSO challenging the Adults of Rockport to battling it out in Putt-Putt Mid-August, so practice up! We need to beat those guys! OK, so I just realized that “those guys” actually includes Scott and I, haha. So maybe I had better tell you to forget practicing! Go out and swim or ride your bike instead! We will post the Putt-Putt Challenge date when we have it.
July and August will unfortunately go quick, so I am planning on enjoying the time with our UMYF Youth and also some summer programs with the Grade School and Preschool kids!
Working with every age group has already been so much fun- I love to see the progression from the littlest kid to our Graduates! I don’t know completely what the fall has in store yet, but it will sure be fun to get there with all of you!